Week 2 Run Schedule

Week 2 Ladies!

Have you made it out yet? Remember, that this week is going to be very hot, so please try to train in the early morning or later evening and drink lots of water!

Session 1 (38 min)
Warm Up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min
Run 2 min. Walk 2 min. Repeat 7 times
Cool Down: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min

Session 2 (31 min)
Warm Up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min
Run 1 min. Walk 2 min. Repeat 7 times
Cool Down: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min

Session 3 (34 mins)
Warm Up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min
Run 2 min. Walk 2 min. Repeat 6 times
Cool Down: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min

This week the goal is nice & easy. We are taking our time to ease back into our runs. The tendency of all runners is to do too much too soon. Resist the urge to push yourself, the pace should be comfortable. Work on keeping your shoulders relaxed. Have fun!