Week 1 Run Schedule

It's time to get some km's under our belt.

Remember that our goal is to run at least 3 times/week this will ensure that we can safely and easily add time and distance to our weekly runs while working to avoid injury and overtraining.

Below is our week 1 interval running program. You can follow this or use some other form of tracking. I have recently downloaded the Nike+GPS and love it!

Don't forget to dress for the weather, bring water and warm up and stretch after each run! It would be great to see your activities documented here, so feel free to share your completed runs with a comment on the page as well as any challenges or concerns you may be facing (be it physical or mental). Remember we are all in it together :) Our goal is to cross the finish line and feel fantastic!

Session 1 (34 minute session)
Warm-up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 mintues
Run 1 minute walk 2 minutes. Repeat 8 times
Cool-Down: Walk slow & Easy 5 minutes

Session 2 (28 minutes)
Warm up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 minutes
Run 1 minute walk 2 minutes. Repeat 6 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & Easy 5 minutes

Session 3 (31 minutes)
Warm up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 minutes
Run 1 Minute Walk 2 minutes. Repeat 7 times
Cool Down: Walk Slow & Easy 5 minutes

Don't forget to stretch after your runs and stay hydrated!