Oasis Zoo Run: Week 3 training

So, last week was a bit of a write off for running.  The weather was so hot and humid that I could not face the thought of putting on my shoes and my week was crazy getting ready for my sister in laws wedding. This saturday she was married and I had the honour of being their MC.  The day was a success the bride was glowing and we all had fun celebrating together.

Now that the wedding is behind us, I am back on track for my runs.  I got 4km in today and am back on track.  The first 2 km were rough, the wind was strong and I was tired after a busy day, but I managed to find my second wind and reached my goal.  That felt great!

How are you doing?  Are you feeling tired and overwhelmed with the runs, or are you feeling energized?  Our group runs will start in July, which is only a week away, so I hope you are able to get some runs in before then.

Jennifer & The Bride

Sometimes the weather and life get in the way of our training, don't beat yourself up if you miss a run or two, just try to get back on track as soon as possible.

Without further hesitation, here is our week 3 run schedule!

Session 1 (45min)

Warm Up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min
Run 3 min, Walk 2 min. Repeat 7 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & Easy 5 min

Session 2 (34 min)

Warm Up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min
Run 2 min. Walk 2 min. Repeat 6 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & Easy 5 min

Session 3 (40 min)

Warm Up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min
Run 3 min Walk 2 min. Repeat 6 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & Easy 5 min

Don't forget to stretch after each run.  Focus on quads and hamstrings.  Hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds.