Oasis Zoo Run Week 9

Happy Civic Holiday Monday!

How have you spent this glorious long weekend?  We have spent the time off visiting Coburg beach, a BBQ with friends and today was a fitness day that included a workout at home for myself & Mark, a 2.5k hike in the woods with the boys and a trip to the park!  I am definitely in need of a nap :)

I hope that you are having fun finding ways to get your fitness in over the holiday weekend.

Last Thursday we made it out for our 2nd group run.  We were a small group of two, but we had a great time and got our 5k run in!  I hope to see you out at our next group run :)

Week 9

Session 1 (68 min)

Warm Up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min
Run 10 min walk 1 min
Run 15 min walk 1 min
Run 20 min walk 1 min
Run 10 min
Cool Down: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min

Session 2 (46 min)
Warm Up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min
Run 5 min walk 1 min. Repeat 6 times.
Cool Down: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min

Session 3 (54 min)

Warm Up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min
Run 10 min walk 1 min. Repeat 4 times.
Cool Down: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min

Over the next few weeks you will notice you will be spending more of your time running and less time walking, and that you will be covering a greater distance in anticipation of our race day in September!  We are definitely on the right track and I anticipate your success.  Don't forget that cross training is an essential part of a healthy runners fitness plan.  Yoga, biking, and strength training will help keep you strong, flexible and injury free.