Oasis Zoo Run Week 7 & 8

What happened to me last week?  I must have fallen off the earth!

Summer is always really busy between carting kids to day camp, work, swimming, and enjoying the hot summer days and nights. 

Please accept my apologies for my tardiness and have a peek at our run schedule.  If you have fallen behind in some of your runs, don't worry, there is time to catch up.

I hope that you are enjoying this 'alone' time and that you have find the joy of running.

Week 7 Run Schedule

Session 1 (54 min)

Warm Up: Walk slow & easy 5 min
Run 10 mins Walk 1 min. Repeat 4 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & easy 5 min

Session 2 (40 min)

Warm Up: Walk slow & easy 5 min
Run 4mins Walk 1 min. Repeat 6 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & easy 5 min

Session 3 (52 min)

Warm Up: Walk slow & easy 5 min
Run 5 mins Walk 1 min. Repeat 7 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & easy 5 min

Week 8 Run Schedule
(Easy Recovery Week)

Session 1 (54 min)

Warm up: Walk slow & easy 5 min
Run 10 min Walk 1 min. Repeat 4 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & easy 5 min

Session 2 (38 min)
Warm up: Walk slow & easy 5 min
Run 3 min Walk 1 min. Repeat 7 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & easy 5 min

Session 3 (46 min)

Warm up: Walk slow & easy 5 min
Run 5 min Walk 1 min. Repeat 6 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & easy 5 min

At this point you should be able to cover a distance of 5km.  You are halfway there!  Keep it up :)

Coaching Tip:
Make sure you are keeping your shoulders relaxed.  To do this try pinching your thumb together with your middle finger, this takes the stress out of your upper body and places it on a small pressure point.