Oasis Zoo Run Week 6

Hot! Hot! Hot!
It certainly is summer here.  The sun has been shining and the humidity is intense.  Please, please, be smart as you continue to train for your 5k and 10k race.  Try running when it is cooler (early mornings or late evenings)  running in the middle of the afternoon with the humidex soaring is not safe.  If you can't run at any other time than during the day, then look for an indoor air conditioned track or hop on a treadmill if you own one!

For the rest of us, this may mean we have to rejig our schedules.  I am planning to get up earlier in the morning twice/week to get my runs in and have 1 night run.  Wish me luck!  I am not a morning person, but I am really starting to enjoy my runs.  My legs are feeling strong and the desire to quit and turn back during my run is becoming less of an issue.

Last week 6 of us made it out for a group run.  It was fantastic to see all of you and to have some company.  Except for the mosquitos who found me quite tasty upon our return, the night was a success!  I look forward to many more.

This week is our 6th week of training.  I hope by now you are also finding the runs to be less daunting!  Keep up the great work and I will see you this week for our next group run!

Week 6 Run Schedule

Session 1( 52 min)

Warm Up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min
Run 5 min. Walk 1 min. Repeat 7 times
Cool Down: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min

Session 2( 38 min)

Warm Up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min
Run 3 min. Walk 1 min. Repeat 7 times
Cool Down: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min

Session 3 ( 50 min)

Warm Up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min
Run 3 min. Walk 1 min. Repeat 10 times
Cool Down: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min

Motherhood Inspiring Greatness!  Our first group run.We ran 5.03km in 35:11. Average pace 6.59/km. Awesome job!!