Oasis Zoo Run Week 5

What a gorgeous week of weather we have been experiencing.  The heat & humidity have lessened this past week and as a result, we are all enjoying the glorious summer weather.

Last week I was feeling under the weather so my run schedule was irratic, but I am back at it again this week.

I look forward to our first group run this week!

Week 5 Run Schedule

Session 1 (46min)

Warm Up: Walk slow & easy 5 min
Run 3 minutes.  Walk 1 minute. Repeat 9 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & easy 5 min

Session 2 (34 min)

Warm Up: Walk slow & easy 5 min
Run 2 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Repeat 8 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & easy 5 min

Session 3 (42 min)

Warm Up: Walk slow & easy 5 min
Run 3 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Repeat 8 times
Cool Down: Walk slow & easy 5 min

Running Tip:

Focus on keeping your body upright and relazed, maintaining a comfortable, natural stride.  Remember your arm action controls the pace.  Take nice little steps accompanied by a short arm swing, and very little knee lift.