Oasis Zoo Run Week 10

There are 6 more weeks until Race Day! 

This should feel like good news!  

It means we still have lots of time to build our strength, improve our strides, and continue to train and prepare for the big day.

I know my plan for this upcoming week is to ensure I get a at least 2 morning runs in and our evening group run as well.  I find I make time for my runs when I plan ahead and schedule the time in.  If I don't do that my days fill up quickly with other activities and I miss my opportunity to train.  So I encourage you to look at your own personal schedule and book in your runs ahead of time to ensure they get done. 

As we get closer to our race day consistency in our weekly runs will help us ensure we have the stamina to make it to the end!

Motiviation is often something we all struggle with.  I have found a few resources that provide me with the motiviation I need to meet my own personal goals. 

I have been using the Nike+Running App on my phone to track & record my runs, pace and distance.  I absolutely love this application.  It keeps me motivated and allows me to share through facebook & twitter.  My favourite feature is the "Cheers" setting through facebook.  If a friend 'likes' or makes a comment on your link when you are running you hear a crowd roaring, olympic cheer through your headset to keep you trucking along! 

I also love the site rockmyrun.com This website allows the user to buy premixed music to provide you with the energy and motiviation you need to complete each workout. 

As we head into week 10 what motivational tools have been the most helpful to you? 

Week 10

Session 1 (72 min)

Warm up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min

Run 10 minutes. Walk 1 minute.
Run 20 minutes. Walk 1 minute.

Run 30 minutes
Cool Down: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min

Session 2 (54 min)

Warm up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min
Run 10 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Repeat 4 times.
Cool Down: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min

Session 3 (57 min)

Warm up: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min

Run 20 minutes. Walk 1 minute.

Run 15 minutes. Walk 1 minute.
Run 10 minutes.
Cool Down: Walk Slow & Easy 5 min

Coaching Tip:

As the amount of running time increases, here is a helpful tip:  Rythym is key.  Maintain your natural rhythm by focusing on a relaxed comfortable arm action.  Allow your body to get used to the impact and disctance.  Speed is irrelevant right now.  You are learning to run, and it should feel easy and comfortable!