Fitmama Strong Durham

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An equipment free, indoor workout

Remember before you start a workout you should warm up your body with simple, easy full body movements and follow with an overall stretch.

Have stairs in your house? Climb them (up and down) 10 times then follow with a full body stretch. No stairs? No problem. Put on your favourite song and dance like no one is watching!

Interval #1: Run/skip on the spot 1 min. Get your knees up high to engage the transverse adbominals

Interval #2 Wall sit 1 min. Do not go deeper than 90 degrees. Keep your back pressed to the wall and pull your belly button in towards your spine. To add intensity, raise your hands above your head.

Interval #3 Run/Skip on the spot 1 min

Interval #4 Push ups for 1 min. You can modify on your knees or agaist the wall.

Interval #5 Run/Skip on the spot 1 min

Interval #6 Tricep dips off your stairs/Couch/bench or other supportive piece of furniture. Make it easier by keeping your feet closer to the step, make it harder by taking your legs out away from you.

Interval #7 Hold plank for 1 min. Modify on your knees if you want to.

Repeat 2-3 times

Cool down return to your stairs and climb up and down 5 times. Finish with a full body stretch.


If you are a beginner, or just making your way back into fitness again, shorten the duration of each interval and slowly increase your time to 1 min. A good start is 30second intervals.
Always consult with your Doctor prior to commencing a new exercise regime.