Three Tips to help you feel great

Tip #1
Drink more water
The human body is made up of about 70% water. Reducing fluid intake will cause you to retain more water which increases swelling and bloating to your midsection. Staying hydrated will help reduce swelling, improve body function and can help you manage your weight. We often mistake thirst for hunger. When in doubt drink, then eat.

Tip #2
Fuel your body
In the early post-partum days a new mom needs to eat well to help her body recover from birth. However, speak to many new moms and you will find that those healthy eating habits are difficult to maintain. Fatigue and a busy baby schedule are usually to blame. Rather than reducing your food intake by going on a ‘diet’, instead, start your day with breakfast to boost your metabolism, avoid processed food, reach for whole grains and aim to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

Tip #3
Break a sweat
Interval training is one of the best ways to boost your metabolism and shed unwanted weight. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, more calories are burned in short, high intensity exercise than in long, slow endurance exercise. Interval training is a very intense form of exercise so moms should not begin any plyometric or high impact activities until their baby is at least 4 months old to reduce the risk of injury to the joints.