FITMOM2Be Prenatal Yoga Series in Whitby/Oshawa

After a brief hiatus the last few weeks of summer I am gearing up to start another prenatal yoga series for all of the expectant moms2be in Durham Region.  The next prenatal series will start on Monday September 9, 2013.  I am really looking forward to welcoming a new group of women to our classes as they prepare themselves and their baby for the journey of birth.  

The benefits of regular exercise during pregnancy are endless!  
Give your baby the best start possible by staying active and strong throughout your entire pregnancy.

The benefits of regular exercise during pregnancy includes:

  1. A reduction in swelling, leg cramps, constipation, varicose veins, fatigue and extra weight gain
  2. Postural improvements causing a reduction in back pain
  3. Improved circulation and a reduction in pelvic and rectal pressure
  4. Active pregnant women report an overall feeling of wellness and improved self esteem
  5. FITMOM's prenatal series will build your feelings of confidence in your body as you prepare for the journey of motherhood. 

Benefits of Exercising to the baby include:

  1. Increased delivery of oxygen and nutrients to baby 
  2. Higher APGARS (Activity / Pulse / Grimace / Appearance /Respiration) which means they are generally more alert, and active at birth
  3. Tend to have more lean muscle mass, which means, generally speaking, these babies will be stronger
  4. Easier time establishing breastfeeding
  5. Babies born to active women have stronger heart rates at birth & 3 months post partum.  (2010 Linda E May)
Registration for the session is now open.  Pre-registration is required.