Invest in Time Alone

At FITMOM we are always encouraging our members and clients to make self-care a priority.  Whether that is indulging in some time at the spa or enjoying a much needed nap, we know that when it happens each woman is more refreshed and can enjoy her family more.   I am very lucky to be able to take the time I need to put self care at the top of my priority list, thanks to some very involved and supportive family members, but until the past weekend, I have never really felt 100% recharged like I did this time.  The key difference was that I spent the entire weekend at home alone! 

Well, that's not entirely true.  I spent a portion of my days attending some informative and exciting workshops and seminars at the Can-Fit Pro Conference, but when I returned home at the end of the day, it was to an empty house. 

It was strangely quiet.  But I liked it.

I have never lived alone.  I moved from my parents home, to residence, to an apartment with my friends, followed by a brief return home upon graduation before moving in with my future husband.  There may have been some brief moments where I was alone, but nothing that stands out recently.  In fact, since the birth of Benjamin, I have not spent any nights alone.  Sure, I go away on trips or getaways with other people.  Yes, my husband travels at times for business and I will be home, with the boys.  Yes, the boys go out for a few hours together and I may get an hour or so at home alone, but they come back and bring in the noise and mess and ruckus that makes this house our home.    But I can say for sure that I have never spent any significant time in my home (for extended periods) alone. 

I absolutely LOVED it.  I finally experienced my perfect weekend.  I got to engage in activities that I like to do to improve the business that I love.  I spent some time reading.  I watched some favourite TV episodes (I purchased seasons 2& 3 of Sex & the City and enjoyed catching up with my old friends Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte & Miranda).  I slept peacefully, without interruptions.  I ate what I wanted and made food for myself when I was hungry. 

By the time my boys returned home from the cottage I was energized, refreshed and excited to see them.  I thanked my husband for taking the boys away to have a fun weekend with him and his family. 

Perhaps I will have the opportunity to spend another weekend at home alone in the future.  It really did a lot for me to recharge.  Maybe you need to take some time out for yourself too.  You may not be in a position yet to spend extended periods of time alone, but I am sure investing in any time alone will help you feel like yourself again.

Until next time!