Understanding weight loss after baby- 6 Tips for the new mom

Losing weight after baby can often feel like adaunting task.  It’s easy to becomediscouraged by the lack of movement on the scale or to feel unmotivated todevelop a healthy and effective plan for losing the weight and toning yourbody.  In this article, we deal with someof the obstacles you may face in your post-partum weight loss as well asproviding some helpful tips to achieve your personal goals.

After the birth of your baby you can expect to losean average of 10 lbs.  This is a resultof the birth of the baby, delivery of the placenta and loss of blood volume andfluids.  After that, a healthy weightloss averages 1-2 lbs. a week although a breastfeeding mom may lose more.  However, your body’s ability to shed fat(especially that stored on the hips and thighs) may take more effort andplanning on your part before you see the results you want. 

Your hormones play a huge role in your ability tolose weight after birth.  Sleepdeprivation is an unfortunate reality for most new mothers.  The disruption of regular sleep causes thehormone cortisol (often associated with weight gain) to increase.  Moderate, chronic sleep deprivation isassociated with increased appetite but also with a decreased interest inexercise.  It is suggested that the lackof sleep is disrupting the hormones that regulate glucose, metabolism andappetite.   As a new mom, what can you doto counter this?  The best answer:Sleep when baby is sleeping, go to bed at the same time every day and ensurethat you are getting adequate rest.

Stress hormones, which are naturally released duringthe post-partum period, may make you feel exhausted and overwhelmed, decreasingyour desire for exercise.  Counter thenatural effects of these hormones through a commitment to exercising regularly.  It will help you sleep better, reduce stressand anxiety and have improved body image. 

New moms are busy moms.  The amount of work and energy you expendcaring for your new baby makes it very easy to neglect yourself.  Skipping meals or eating infrequently is acommon phenomenon but it can also be a contributing factor to the lack ofmovement on the scale.  It may seemcounter intuitive, but eating will actually help you lose weight.  Try these tips to boost your metabolism:

  • Preventyour glycogen levels from dropping and causing fat to be stored in yourbody by eating small, frequent meals. Eat every 3 hours to prevent this drop in levels, reduce cravingsand promote a higher metabolism. 
  • Planmeals in advance to help keep you focused on nutritional requirements andavoid reliance on last minute rushed meals that are oftenover-processed. 
  • Consultwith a nutritionist to learn what it takes to build a healthy mommy bodyand help ensure that you are getting adequate calories to sustain you and youractivities as a healthy, active mom.

They say you’ve got to move it to lose it!  Sometimes the hardest part of your fitnessroutine is simply making the decision to put your shoes on.  Developing a support network with an exercisepartner or personal trainer can help you stay committed and motivated to keepmoving.  Better yet, socialize withactive people.  This will reaffirm yourown personal choices towards health and wellness and will help keep you ontrack!

Establish a routine. When possible, it is best to have set days and times for exercise -discipline is essential for a successful exercise program.  Activity in the morning will help toestablish a higher metabolic rate.  It’sa great time for cardio, a brisk walk or attending a fitness class.

Finally, shift your focus.  As women, we often place the focus on goalsrelated to body image.  While notforgetting that a positive body image is conducive to elevating self-esteem, Ibelieve that taking the focus off losing a set amount of weight and inches willactually help you achieve your goals. Focus on the steps you are taking for your health - like feelingenergized and happy, improving sleep and developing better eating habits.  Give yourself opportunities to be proud ofyour body’s ABILITIES by completing fitness challenges - like running a certaindistance, walking every day or completing a sequence of strength moves.  You will be surprised by the results!