This is totally awesome

As a Lamaze Childbirth Educator I have been known to compare the characteristics of labour and birth to completing a marathon. Both are a physical and mental challenge, exhausting, empowering, uplifting, a test of endurance and a personal accomplishment. I am happy to say that I have run my 'birth marathon' 2 times and I firmly believe that my commitment to regular exercise helped prepare my body for the physical challenges of labour. I am always keeping my eyes and ears open for positive stories relating to health and wellness during pregnancy, so the other day when I heard that a pregnant woman completed a marathon only to give birth hours later, I had to learn more! What an amazing accomplishment. Certainly, the average pregnant woman would not be encouraged or supported in her desire to train for a marathon, but for those select few who have been training prior to their pregnancy and who have no contraindications towards physical exercise, I say 'way to go'! For the rest of the general pregnant population, you may not be interested in actually running a marathon, but keeping fit and participating in regular exercise during your pregnancy may just be what the Dr. ordered!