That's a wrap

On Thursday April 26th some of the women who participated in the 12 week fitness challenge gathered to celebrate one another's achievement.

In just over 12 weeks I have witnessed not only some amazing physical transformations, but some emotional ones as well.  What started out as a fitness goal to lose the baby weight & inches quickly became a transformation to a healthier lifestyle as well.  Feelings of pride, confidence, and joy were apparent on their happy faces when the individual results were shared.

I asked the participanst to spend a few moments and reflect upon the changes they experienced individually over the 12 weeks.  Here's what they had to say:

"Before starting with FITMOM I was shamefully emberassed of my body, sad but true.  I covered my body with sweatshirts and sweatpants daily.  I would rather sweat than de-layer in public. 
Since getting into a steady routine I crave my workouts.  If I miss a day, I crave my workout high, feeling good is now an addiction.  This is only the start for me!"


Before joining the challenge I:                                       After joining the challenge I:
*was uncomfortable in my jeans                                     * am proud of my booty!
*ate junk food for fuel when tired               *eat small/healthy snacks more frequently
*turned out the lights for mommy/daddy time                            *bought new lingerie
*felt overwhelmed                                                            *felt proud!
"I joined FITMOM because I wanted to get rid of my 'muffin top'.  By 2 months post-partum I was almost to my pre-pregnancy weight, but my clothes did not fit. VERY discouraging.  I was hoping to lose inches, but was thrilled to lose both inches and pounds. When I put clothes on that are now loose, it is a fantastic feeling! I overall feel better, have more energy and am looking forward to continuting in future!"
"When I joined FITMOM it was something to do with the babe & it got me out of the house.  The 12 week challenge has had me working harder and giving myself some time for me! A few weeks into the program my baby girl had to undergo eye surgery & it opened my own eyes about general good health for myself to ensure I am around for my baby as long as possible. Recently, I've also begun working with a personal trainer at my gym.  My next goal is to be a Hotter Mama for a trip to Jamaica in July!"
I am so proud of each of the FITMOM members who participated in this challenge!  Your dedication and determination inspires me every week!  I know that your stories will also continue to inspire other new moms who may feel ovewhelmed and stuck too.  Thank you for being such awesome ambassadors for FITMOM Durham.  This is only the beginning for you!  Yeah! 
A huge thank-you also goes out to all of the local companies who graciously supplied us with prizes for the event!