Summer Fitness Challenge Week #2

A big thank you to Kim Corrigan-Oliver of Your Green Baby for sharing this weeks nutrition tip and a delicious recipe to boot! 

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, however many people skip breakfast for a myriad of reasons.  If you are not a 'breakfast person', then I am sure you will find this smoothie recipe very helpful!

Tip #2:
Eat Breakfast. It kick starts yourmetabolism and sets the stage for a day full of energy and stable blood sugarlevels.



1 cup milk ofyour choice, chilled herbal tea, coconut water, water or juice

¼ cup frozenblueberries

8 frozenstrawberries

1 banana

1 large handful of spinach

Add all ingredients to blender and blenduntil smooth. Add more liquid, if necessary, to thin to desired consistency.