Oasis Zoo Run Week 13

Just because I am away doesn't mean that you should be taking time off from your runs!

I can assure you that even while I am enjoying the sun and surf and blissful beaches of Aruba,  I will be training for our upcoming event :)

In terms of distance most of us have completed upto 8km.  Enjoy a nice easy week, without feeling the pressure of adding more distance.

Instead take some time to enjoy how great it feels to have finished a run with nice, strong legs.  Remember that after every run you should feel like you could go a little further.

If you find that you are struggling with running continuously, know that you can follow the run/walk ratio of 10min:1min and repeat this cycle until you cross the finish line!

Week 12

Session 1 (60 Min)

Warm-up: Walk slow & easy 5 minutes
Run 50 minutes.

Cool-down: Walk slow & easy 5 minutes

Session 2 (43 min)

Warm-up: Walk slow & easy 5 minutes
Run 10 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.

Cool-down: Walk slow & easy 5 minutes

Session 3 (52 min)
Warm-up: Walk slow & easy 5 minutes
Run 15 minutes. Walk 1 minute.
Run 15 minutes. Walk 1 minute.

Run 10 minutes.
Cool-down: Walk slow & easy 5 minutes