Fitmama Strong Durham

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Oasis Zoo Run Week 12

The view from our dock.

We are home after 10 days away in beautiful Bancroft Ontario; spending the days playing in the sun, building campfires, eating s'mores and reading good books.

I even managed to get a few runs in while we were gone.  I ran my furthest distance to date 8.22km and there were lots of hills! Certainly the number of weeks I have spent running to build up my endurance is what allowed me to finish that run with nice, strong legs. 

I hope that you have been consistently out on the trail, roads or treadmill building up your own endurance and maintaining your run schedule.  Only a few more weeks until race day!  We are so close so keep up the great work!  It will pay off.

Week 12

Session 1 (60 Min)

Warm-up: Walk slow & easy 5 minutes
Run 50 minutes.

Cool-down: Walk slow & easy 5 minutes

Session 2 (43 min)

Warm-up: Walk slow & easy 5 minutes
Run 10 minutes. Walk 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.

Cool-down: Walk slow & easy 5 minutes

Session 3 (52 min)

Warm-up: Walk slow & easy 5 minutes
Run 15 minutes. Walk 1 minute.
Run 15 minutes. Walk 1 minute.

Run 10 minutes.
Cool-down: Walk slow & easy 5 minutes

Roadside view during my 8k run.