Our Favourite Move this month: Rotator Cuff Openers

Rotator Cuff Openers

Do you want to be active and feel strong and energetic as you move through your day? Then try our Move of the Month, where we feature one exercise you can incorporate into your day as a quick movement break or include as a new move in your personal workout.

This month, we’re highlighting ROTATOR CUFF OPENERS

Why do we Love this Exercise?

This is a great exercise to help prevent shoulder injuries. The rotator cuff is made up of four muscles that help to lift your arms up above your head and rotate away from your body. Pregnancy, working on a computer, carrying, lifting, changing diapers and feeding a baby can all tax the upper body and cause your shoulders to round forward. Over time this weakens the back of your shoulders and creates tension in your chest and upper back. This exercise is perfect for both our prenatal and postpartum members.

Rotator cuff openers help to:

  1. Strengthen the rotator cuff and scapular stabilizers

  2. Build deep muscular strength so you can perform more challenging exercises

  3. Improve posture

How to perform this exercise:

  1. Take your elbows so they sit right at your hip bones

  2. Bend your arms at 90 degrees so your forearm is parallel to the floor

  3. Slowly rotate the weights outwards away from the centre of your body and then return them to their starting position

  4. Make sure your core is on and your shoulder blades are rolled back and down (I often cue my members to pull their shoulder blades down into their back pocket)

Level 1 Lower intensity

You can do this exercise with just your body weight, it will still pack a punch. This is a great way to start if this movement is new to you. Aim for 10-12 reps, or perform this exercise for 30-45 seconds. Body Weight Option. Great when you're just starting out!

Level 2 Higher Intensity

When you are ready you can start to add tension. You can start with a resistance band or select a free weight (3lbs-5lbs to start) and as your strength improves, you can increase weight over time.

Level 3 Compound Exercises

Compound exercises, when you pair multiple muscle groups together, are a great way to add intensity and challenge your workout. Adding free weights allows you to increase, or decrease, as needed. We like to add plies squats with our rotator cuff openers.

Get your Baby Involved!

This is a great exercise to do if you are wearing your baby in a carrier because it allows you to be hands free. Remember to follow proper baby wearing instructions.

When to Avoid this Exercise:

You should avoid this exercise if shoulder injury is present or you experience pain.

Interested in joining us? Our classes are a great way to meet other new parents. FITMOM Durham has been operating in Durham Region since 2005. Our community is a thriving and welcoming space for you and your littles. #jointhemotherhood by purchasing one of our class passes, which are valid for any of the FITMOM+Baby or FITWOMAN classes on the schedule. Or register for one of our 6-week FITMOM2BE Prenatal Fitness Series. We can wait to have you join us!