FITMOM Durham's Top 10 Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

Did you know that women who are physically active during their pregnancy positively impact the health of their baby not only during pregnancy, but after the birth as well! 
Here are 10 benefits of practicing yoga during pregnancy:

10. Yoga builds strength:

When you practice yoga you are actively stretching your body through eccentric muscle contraction.  This means that as you contract, the muscles are actively lengthening.  Eccentric strength promotes joint stability and functional strength.  During pregnancy, practicing yoga can help you continue to perform daily tasks with ease!

9. Relieve aches & pains:

One of the most common complaints in pregnancy is low back pain caused by increased weight gain and postural changes.  Prenatal yoga strengthens your core (low back, transverse abdominals, pelvic floor) and different postures promote space for you and your baby to be comfortable.

8. Yoga teaches you to breathe:

Breathing exercises are incredibly helpful during pregnancy to minimize stress and relieve anxiety.  During labour, breath control contributes to the reduction of pain and discomfort you experience.  It is also self-calming and enhances a sense of well-being during labour.

7. Yoga builds balance:

As your centre of gravity changes throughout pregnancy, balancing postures (like tree pose) can help you feel more comfortable with your body and how it moves. Standing poses, like warrior, improves muscular strength in your lower body.  Creating strength in your body during pregnancy allows you to carry your baby comfortably.

6. Relieve anxiety:

With a special attention to breathing, calming music and gentle stretching, practicing prenatal yoga teaches you how to be in the moment and to tune out distracting messages.

5. Prepare for childbirth:

Learn postures that can be helpful in progressing your labour and that prepare your body and the position of your baby for optimal delivery.

4. Rest on command:

Learning to quiet and calm the mind and body will greatly serve you in the near future.  During labour this ability will promote rest & reserve energy in between contractions. After the baby is born, this skill will help you when your sleep schedule is feeling out of control.

3. Bond with your baby:

Practicing prenatal yoga creates a dedicated time for you to connect and tune into your baby.

2. Meet other new moms:

Meeting other women who are also experiencing the joys and challenges of pregnancy makes you feel more connected and supported.  Learning from each other and participating in group discussion is also very helpful.

1. Gain confidence in your ability to give birth:

Practicing yoga during pregnancy can help you feel empowered about what your body is capable of doing. Guided relaxation exercises, mantras and words of wisdom can also remind you of your inner strength and that you are amazing!

Join FITMOM Durham's next 5 week yoga series "Yogavibe For Birth" Monday March 3rd, 2014 in Whitby.  $90+tax.  Pre-registration is required.  Space is limited.