Achieving your goals

"Choosing a goal and sticking to it changes everything."- Scott Reed

This weekend I had the absolute pleasure to witness one of my clients achieve a personal goal. On Sunday, November 18th Miss.O completed her first 5k race.

We have met every Monday for the past 7 weeks in preparation for the run. Each week she pushed herself in time and distance. She continued to make time to run throughout the week and I have seen her improve. What she found hard in week 1, was easier by week 3.

This past Sunday she was able to put her training to the test.  We enjoyed a beautiful & crisp fall day, perfect for running.  The sun was shining bright for all of the runners who were ready to set their own Personal Best.

I am so very proud of Miss O. for sticking with the program, even when it was hard.  She lit up my heart and my spirits as she came around the corner, the finish line in sight.  Her smile was so big and she was so proud of meeting her goal.  She was a girl on fire.

Congratulations Miss. O.  Big love to you.