Top 5 Reasons that I stay motivated to workout

Hi Mavens

We have another great week of fitness and fun ahead of us.  It has been wonderful to welcome some new faces to our classes and to have some previous clients make their triumphant return with baby number two!

I thought that for this weeks Motivated Monday Post I would share my personal top 5 reasons that I work out.  Perhaps you have a similar list.  Please feel free to share what motivates you to make time for fitness every day.

5.  To stay healthy.  Working out keeps my heart strong.  Regular exercise will also help prevent and/or reduce my risk for numerous diseases and it keeps my immune system strong.  On the off chance I do get sick, I bounce back quickly.

4.  To be strong.  I shared with you last Monday about how great I feel when I push myself.  Knowing that I have the strength and stamina to keep up with 2 busy boys and all of you is a great motivator. 

3. To eat what I want. I LOVE FOOD!  I am not an unhealthy eater, but I love to eat what I want.  Staying active every day allows me to eat with less guilt and I enjoy every bite!

2.  To feel happy.  I love how I feel when I am working out and after I am done.  The release of endorphins allows me to better handle the daily stresses of motherhood, work and life.  It is an essential ingredient for maintaining my mental health.

1.  To feel good about myself:   Being fit gives me confidence.  I like looking healthy and strong.  Some people may think that I am vain, but if I am truly being honest, then this had to be included on my list.  And really, who doesn't want to feel good in their skin and clothes?  This was really important to me after I had both of my boys.  Especially when I was experiencing the in-between stages: no longer in maternity pants, but not fitting into my old wardrobe.  Working out regularly and eating a healthy diet was what helped me get in shape after birth, and it will for you too!