2012: A Year in Review

Happy New Year!  I welcome 2013 with open arms!

Last night we rang in the New Year with some great friends, and even made some new ones.  The boys came along and had a chance to play with their friends and we all experienced the countdown to 2013 as a family.  It was the latest the boys have ever stayed up (and to be honest, I was fearing the wrath of the tired kids post-party) but it was such a hoot to live it up with them.

Today we are much more relaxed enjoying some quiet, personal time in the house.  Since this happens so rarely, I thought I would take advantage of the peace and quiet and spend some time reflecting on 2012.

Family Day 2012

The year of 2012 FITMOM Durham celebrated it's third birthday. This obviously would not be possible without the love and support of my family and of course all of you!  Thank you for choosing FITMOM Durham.  I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of you and being a part of your pregnancy as well as your baby's first year. 

This year was also very exciting as many of you have also added to your clan in 2012. It has been a sincere pleasure to be a part of your health & wellness plan during your pregnancy and now as you join in the FITMOM+Baby classes for the 2nd time around!

StrollerStrength Summer 2012

I have also received many more emails the past few weeks with exciting announcements about baby number two's pending birth date. I am pretty jazzed to meet the new little brothers & sisters of 2013. 

My boys!
Personally, the year of 2012 also held some major milestones.  Our family kicked off the summer season with a wedding. We had a great time celebrating  the union of my sister in-law and her new husband with all our friends & family. 

September also marked my 10 year wedding anniversary. My husband Mark and I celebrated  with a trip to Aruba.  It was a fantastic holiday that will stand out for quite some time!

Aruba 2012
I also ran my first ever 10k race this year.  It was a fantastic physical and mental challenge and I had tons of fun training and preparing for the Oasis Zoo Run with many of you.  I look forward to training with many of more of you in the Spring of 2013.
 Run Club 2012 training for the Oasis 10k

As I look back on the year of 2012 I can surely proclaim that it was a pretty outstanding year.  Certainly there were some ups and downs, and some personal challenges that I experienced,  but I am happy to say that my outlook for 2013 is nothing but positive. 

After a short break over this Christmas Holiday I am feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.  I am most certainly looking forward to another great year with FITMOM Durham alongside all of you.  Stay tuned for more information about our 2nd annual fitness challenge and I look forward to seeing you in class very soon!