Tips to get you back on track after your holiday splurge!

If you are like me, you likely overindulged at the annual family gathering this Thanksgiving.   The extra glass of wine/pop, nacho dip, chocolates and candies were all snacked upon and enjoyed before the turkey was even brought to the table.  Perhaps you also enjoyed a few helpings of stuffing and extra gravy on the turkey and enjoyed every bite.  Before your plates were cleared the coffee tray rolled out and you soon found yourself enjoying some ice cream, apple and pumpkin pie before you crawled to the couch and passed out complaining that your pants are now too tight.

Instead of beating yourself up for indulgence, try these few tips instead:

1) Drink lots of water
2) Meal plan for the rest of the week
3) Use the power of your guilt to motivate you into doing something active that you may have been putting off.  Give yourself that little kick in the butt before the next holiday creeps up on you.

There is no price on your health!  Start today, feel better tomorrow!