Race Day! Good Luck Runners!!

We did it!

We have made it to the end of our training and our big race is only 2 sleeps away.

It has been a real pleasure training with you this summer.  I hope you are quite pleased with the results of your effort.  You have come a long way baby and you will have a great race on Saturday.

Here a few tips to help you ensure you have a great run on Saturday morning!

Dress for success!  Wear comfortable clothing for weather conditions and proper shoes.  Today is NOT the day to wear and break in new runners.  Stick with the gear that has worked upto this point.

Avoid high-fiber foods the day before the race.  Too much fiber and race day anticipation may have you looking for the port-a-potty!  Stick with whole wheat carborhydrate sources and avoid fresh fruits and veggies that are high on fiber.

Use the bathroom before you leave!  This is Sooooo Important.   The line ups are long and you don't want to pull a Paula Radcliffe and relieve yourself in the middle of the race!  Even better, try to find a pit stop on the way to the race (Tim Horton's, gas station etc) and then go one more time before the race starts :)

Hydrate well but don’t over consume. It will throw off your electrolyte balance. Your urine should be light yellow to clear in color.

Your last “big” meal should be at least 12 hours before the race to ensure full digestion has taken place.
Remeber try to avoid high fiber, high fat, or overly processed foods. Simple is best the day before your race.

For earlier race start times a light breakfast is best.
A great option is a whole wheat bagel or toast with natural peanut butter or low fat cream cheese. Eat it as soon as you get up to ensure you have plenty of time to digest!

Race Day Etiquette:

Make sure your bib is safely securedto your shirt and your number is clearly displayed. This will be usedto identify you by race officials.

Avoid loitering in the startarea. You will be notified when it is time to get in place. Slowerrunners and walkers will stay toward the back and those seeking to place orfinish first will be at the front. You can determine where you fall inbetween.

While racing, try to stay single file. If thecourse allows, you may run two abreast but there should be enough space for arunner to pass you. Always pass single file and announce “Passing on your left”or “Passing on your right”. After passing, wait a couple meters before crossingin front of the runner you passed. Same goes if you are being passed, allowpassing runners the space needed to do so.

NO SUDDEN STOPS!. If at any time you need to come to a complete stop slowly move off the course tothe side.
When accepting water at an Aid Station, slowly move off to the sideand DO NOT stop abruptly. Toss cups to the side and not onto the course. Always be aware of the other runners on the course. In order to avoid a sloppy hand off, make eye contactwith a volunteer as you approach and nod your head. This will communicate thatyou wish to take the water from them and help make the hand off clean.
Whenyou reach the finish line (YES!!!!) don’t stop suddenly, but slowly move out ofthe finishing area. Remember other runners are finishing behind you. Also,photographers will be preserving this special moment for you so smile for thecamera! As the great John Stanton, founder of the Running Room, says “It’s nothow fast you finish….it’s how good you look in your photo.”

Other Important Details!

Championchip Pickup

Mylaps BIBTAG Timing system by Sportstats

The ZooRun 10k & 5k will use the Mylaps BIBTAG Timing system.This means you only have to pick up your BIB at packet-pick-up/registration;this timing chip is embedded in your bib number. On race day, you should wearyour bib #/BIBTAG on the front of your shirt. For optimum performance DO NOTbend, fold or mutilate your bibtag! And remember, now it's "NO BIB = NOTIME!"
To read more about the latest technology coming to Canada with theMylaps BIBTAG and Sportstats Timing company, click here.


Your timing chip or "bibtag" is placed on the back ofyour race bib. It must be correctly worn for your race time to be accuratelycaptured.
  1. Do not remove the "bibtag" or foam spacer from your bib.
  2. Do not fold your bib or excessively bend or twist the "bibtag".
  3. Wear your bib on your chest/abdomen. Do not wear on your back, side, leg or arm.

Live Results
Sportstats will offer LIVE results on their iphone/android app, make sure you visit the app store and download it to your smartphone. The app is good for all future and past Sportstats events.
Start Line

10k Start Line Organization

PLEASE NOTE THE NEW LOCATION FOR THE10K START. The 10k start line, packet pick-up, information desk, baggagecheck, port-o-lets and water station will all be located in LOT 2. Seethe course map for location.


All 10k participants will be organized in coloured corrals based on your expected finishing time provided on your registration form. Your assigned corral will be indicated by a coloured stripe on your bib. On race day,look for the coloured flag at the start line that corresponds to your bib andline up there.

10k Corral Times

  • Red: < 51 mins
  • Yellow: 52 – 59 mins
  • Blue: 1:00
  • Green: 1:01 – 1:14
  • Purple: 1:15+

Wave Start

The 10k will start in waves 5 minutes apart:
  • Red — Wave 1
  • Yellow — Wave 2
  • Blue — Wave 3
  • Green — Wave 4
  • Purple — Wave 5

CourseDescription & Maps

10k—Start time 8:15am. Run on the roads outside of the Zoo, then runa scenic loop through the Zoo grounds. For the safety and enjoyment of allparticipants, baby joggers, strollers, Nordic poles, animals and unauthorizedwheeled devices will not be allowed in this race. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW LOCATION FOR THE 10KSTART. The 10k start line, packet pick-up, information desk, baggagecheck, port-o-lets and water station will all be located in LOT 2. Seethe course map for location.

2012 10k and 5k maps: Click to view larger versions (Description: PDF file230-250KB each)

Finish Line

The 10k, 5k and Cub Run events will finish at the same location,just before the path to the Canadian Domain. Please see the course maps to locate the Finish Line.
Before exiting the Finish Chute participants will have access toPowerade, water and Medical attention (if required). All finishers will also receive their medal before exiting the Finish Chute into the Party Site.
The MOST IMPORTANT Thing to Remember.......................................