FITMOM Durhams Summer Health & Wellness Challenge: Tip # 1- Eating Healthy can be as easy as counting to three

It's official!  Our Health & Wellness challenge has started effective TODAY!  What better way to start off the challenge, and the week, than with some information on improving what & how we eat,
A special thank you to Andrea Miller, RD who has contributed to this weeks post!
Tip # 1- Eating Healthy can be as easy as counting to three
As a new Mom, eating well while you are breastfeeding and perhaps looking after other children can be hugely challenging. Just taking the time to eat anything often requires herculean effort.
Here are some of my tips, to help new Mom’s eat well (or maybe just better!)
1) Eat three meals each day: choose three food groups at each meal
Don’t panic- this might be- cereal, milk and a banana; it could be a PB and banana sandwich and a glass of milk; it might be humus, pita and a yogurt (Greek yogurt if you like it- it is higher in protein!); or it could be scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast and a frozen fruit and yogurt smoothie.
2) Eat two snacks each day: choose two food groups at each snack
Yogurt and fruit; toast and PB; milk and a handful of almonds; and apple and a hunk of cheese.
Think outside of the box when planning meals- you do not need to cook for hours to eat well- grilled cheese on whole wheat, sliced tomato and cucumber and fruit with yogurt can make a great dinner for a sleep deprived Mom. My clients all know I am a big fan of breakfast-for-dinner- eggs, toast, milk and fruit! Healthy, well-balanced, comforting and quick.
Three meals, three groups; two snacks, two groups! Keep counting!
Consulting Dietitian
105 Consumers Drive, Unit 2
Whitby, Ontario
L1N 1C4
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