FITMOM Durham Move of the week: The bicep curl

If you have a baby or a toddler then you know how important it is for your arms to be strong. That's why this weeks focus is the bicep curl.  Stronger arms means easier lifting and carrying of your baby, toddler, car seats and any other baby gear.  Women who are pregnant are more likely to strain their back during everyday lifting when their arms are not strong, so it is important to strengthen your arms during pregnancy too!

To perform a bicep curl:

1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent
2. Keep your shoulders back and lift your head up
3. Keep abdominals strong and lifted.
4.With weights in your hands firmly but not tightly, exhale as you lift your palm towards the ceiling while keeping your elbows close to your body.
5.Inhale and slowly release the arms down towards the floor again. Make sure to fully extend the arm to complete a full range of motion.

Beginners should start with a low weight (3-5lbs).  Advanced fitness levels can choose heavier weights and/or double up the weight in one hand for a set of repetitions.
Pick a weight that you can lift up to 10 repetitions with some effort for 1-3 sets. Increase your reps upto 15 for 2-3 sets. When this is no longer challenging you can slowly  increase weight and start back at your lowest repetition for 2-3 sets.  Continue in this way.

For the mom to be:                                        After baby:
Reps: 10-15 reps                                            Reps:12-15 reps
Sets:   1-2    sets                                             Sets: 2-3 sets

Remember to consult with your care provider before starting any new fitness routine. Avoid exercise if you feel any pain or discomfort.