The Easter Bunny's Revenge!
So, here we are. Two days after Easter and this chocolate that the bunny left behind is haunting me. Taunting me. It can be hard to resist the temptations of the sweet stuff. At least it is for me.
Certainly my boys do not need to have all of this chocolate in the house. It all seems a little excessive. However, the extra smarties will be put aside to be used as rewards for potty training!
Some people are able to eat sweet treats in small amounts and demonstrate some self-control. I am not one of those people. Knowing that these candies are hiding in my cupboards is always in the back of my mind. I can often be found sneaking handfulls of chocolates each time I find my way into the kitchen. So the only safe place for these chocolates is in the trash bin, out of my house.
A few treats will be stored away for the boys, but mark my words: These chocolates are gone!
This decision has be solidified by the fact that I would need to complete 1 full hour of a FITMOM&baby class or run for 30 minutes to work off the 1 box of Smarties I inhaled the other day.
This is not an exaggeration. In fact, I went searching for a mathmatical equation that would help me determine how much physical activity I would have to do in order to burn off those extra calories. Thanks to the power of the internet, I was able to find this site:
Perhaps the next time you are tempted to go and sneak a few extra treats, you will consider this chart too! I know I will.