Baby it's hot outside!

Well, we finally got the heat wave we were asking for.  Summer has arrived and no doubt about it, your joints (especially the hands and feet) are feeling it.  Even more so for those of you that are pregnant over the summer months!

It is fairly normal to experience mild amount of swelling during pregnancy, especially swelling of the feet.  Remember that if you experience a sudden onset of weight gain, swelling, blurred vision or headache it can be a sign of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy) and you should consult with your primary care giver.  If you are worried about the amount of swelling you are experiencing during your pregnancy be sure to speak with your Doctor/Midwife who can reassure you and answer any questions you may have.

This week I thought I would share some of my favourite tips to help my mamas2be stay cool & comfortable during our heat wave!  These suggestions can help increase your comfort, improve your circulation and reduce any swelling  you may experience as a result of heat & humidity. 

1. Stay hydrated.  This may feel counterproductive, however, ensuring adequate water intake can actually flush your system out and prevent water retention. 

2. Balance rest & activity.  Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time.  Getting up frequently to walk around will help improve circulation and can reduce the amount of swelling you are experiencing.  When you do need to rest, try lying on your left side and when relaxing try to keep your feet elevated, perhaps on a foot rest or stool, with your legs at hip height.  Avoid crossing your ankles.

3. Treat yourself to an Epsom salt foot bath.  Or just soak your feet in tepid water for 10 minutes.  Then add in some nice ankle rotations in both directions.  Finish off the treatment with your favourite cream and a foot massage.  This is made even more enjoyable if your partner rubs your feet, especially if you can't reach them!

4. Enjoy a dip in the pool.  I lived in the water for both of my pregnancies. My boys were born in August and October, so I am all too familiar with the extra challenges that a heat wave places on a pregnant woman.  I experienced immediate relief from any joint pain or swelling the moment my toes dipped into the water, perhaps you will too!   If you're lucky you have a good friend with a pool that you can access at anytime, and who would love to see you floating (or swimming) in her backyard.  If you don't, try the local pools in your community.

I hope that you experience some relief over the next few days.  The weather report is hot & humid for the rest of the week.  Try your best to stay cool, and avoid being outside for long periods of time (especially if you don't have a pool or lake to get into on a moments notice).