25 Things you may not know about me.....


This month FITMOM will be celebrating 15 years of working with and supporting women during the biggest transition of their lives, motherhood!  To mark this anniversary I thought I would share 25 things that you may not know about me. 

1. I am a Gemini

2. I love the smell of rain and watching thunder storms on my porch, especially when accompanied by lightning.

3. My maiden name is Jocz.  Sounds like "Yotch", rhymes with Scotch.  Seriously.

4. I used to perform in high school theatre. I love musicals and have a secret desire to perform in local theatre.

5. I received the nickname 'Rev' the summer I worked as a camp counselor.  It was bestowed on me because I used to talk so fast.

6. I think my brother is the funniest person I have ever met.  You would too if you met him.

7. I secretly want someone to throw me a surprise party.  Although my husband tells me I would not be surprised because I ask too many questions!

8. I broke my arm when I was 5 years old.

9. I am lucky to have many long lasting friendships. Some of which have spanned 32 years & counting

10. I have never started a BBQ, or cooked anything on one for that matter!

11. Making the decision to become self-employed was really easy for me.

12. I am afraid of heights, but I never used to be.

13. I am not artistic(in the classic sense) painting, drawing etc. makes me feel anxious.

14. I strive to make a positive and lasting impact on everyone I meet.

15. I am a knowledge seeker and love learning.

16. I have been an active Birth Doula since 2015. I am certified with DONA International. The first birth I ever attended as a birth doula was a home water birth with Midwives. It was amazing! Since then I have attended more than 50 births.

17. I always work with the radio on. Most of the time I forget that it’s on. I listen to lots of CBC radio programs and music. I can tune in and out easily and I don’t find the sound distracting.

18. I love to read. I tend to gravitate towards Canadian Fiction.

19. My original career goal was to be a High School Teacher. I did not get in to the Queen’s Con-Ed Program when I applied to University. In my first year of university I was tracking towards an English Degree, however, in the end, I completed my degree in Sociology.

20. I spent the first 10 years of my career working in Social Services for the largest charity and non-profit in the GTA.

21. I went back to school part time and completed a Certificate Program at George Brown specializing in Teaching and Training Adults. At the time I was writing, creating and delivering tons of workshops and training programs. This background and education also came in handy a few years later when I became a certified Lamaze Childbirth Educator! I love facilitating and training. In fact, my pathway to teaching came to fruition after all! I was just meant to teach adults and not high school students :)

22. I have been meditating every day for the past year. It has become one the best and easiest part of my day. I also recently started using a mindfulness journal.

23. I like to watch the same movies over and over again. It drives Mark and Ben nuts. They like to watch a movie once. They both feel that there are far too many new movies to enjoy. I like the familiarity of an old favourite.

24. I have been teaching group fitness for 20 years. I have taught everything from Step, to High-Low, Spin classes, Boxfit, Bootcamps, Body Pump, Yoga, and everything in between. The only style I have never taught is aquafit. I stay on top of my certifications and attend trainings regularly to make sure I am teaching best evidence. I recently completed a Functional Training Specialist Program in 2020.

25. I am a huge procrastinator. I only added this last nugget AFTER the link was posted!

What about you? What’s something I don’t know about you? Feel free to drop me a line and share a little about yourself!

Original Post April 15, 2015. Updated March 2021.