Tips for Healthy Eating this Holiday Season

I don't know about you, but our weekends and weeknights are starting to fill up with all sorts of holiday celebrations.  So many of these events create an opportunity for lots of holiday memories, but they also mean I am likely going to eat more than I typically would.  If this sounds like you too, then perhaps the following tips will help you to find some balance.1.   Don't show up to your party starving.   Have a low fat yogurt, or some light cheese and crackers prior to leaving.  Arriving with some food in your tummy will help prevent you from eating every single item on the open buffet table.2. Whenever possible drink more water!  This is so important, especially for breastfeeding/chest-feeding.  We often mistake thirst for hunger, so fill up your water glass before filling up your second or third plate.3. If you know you are going to eat your weight in bacon (like we will be this weekend at the Holiday Brunch we are attending) then it might be nice to plan some well balanced meals throughout the week- but if you don't or can't, don't sweat it!  There is enough holiday stress this season, try not to bog yourself down holding yourself to an unrealistic standard of meal prep if that's not how you typically roll.  Just eat the bacon.4. When you are attending an open house, try to stand far away from the food table.  This will take away the impulsive eating we participate in when a bowl of salted nuts are within reach. Unconscious eating is hard for all of us.  If you notice your hands are dipping in to the chip too much, acknowledge the activity and reset , move the bowl or get up to move & mingle.5. Instead of reaching for your basic snacks (like chips and chocolate) treat yourself to your favourite holiday dessert and take the time to really enjoy it.6. Don't stress about it. Instead, if you feel like you over indulged at the party, spend time reflecting on the experience and how you felt.  Did you feel bloated, full or uncomfortable? If you answered "YES" then you can create a strategy and plan to help reduce that feeling the next time.  If you answered "No" then you have nothing to worry about :)I hope these helpful holiday eating tips will keep you feeling healthy and happy this festive season!Enjoy xo-Updated December 2 2019.