If you have ever been to a FITMOM class you know that when we are not talking about sleeping issues, breastfeeding challenges or questions on infant development, the conversations take place around food. What to eat, what to avoid and the best recipes to feed a mama and her family.  I am always happy to share the recipes that I love with all of you.  I try to eat pretty clean (meaning trying to reduce the amount of food that comes processed in a box, and instead eating fresh, whole foods). 

In an attempt to cut out added sugar from our diets, I have been on the hunt for easy recipes for some of my families favourite meals that eliminate the convenience factor (and increase our sugar content) but still have lots of flavor.  Thanks to the internet I found a great recipe for home made fajita mix.  The original recipe called for sugar and salt, but I easily eliminated those two ingredients from my home made mix and it is still super delicious and healthy!

Home Made Fajita Mix:

One Tablespoon of Cornstarch
2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp cumin

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and mix.  This recipe is enough for one meal.

Quinoa Salad

I have just recently started making this easy and delicious quinoa salad.  Quino is a fantastic grain, that is iron rich.

This recipe is off the back of the Casbah Quinoa Box

Step 1.
Use 2 cups of water (or vegetable broth for added flavor)
Bring water to a boil.  Add in the box of quinoa and simmer for 15 min, until liquid is absorbed. 
Fluff with fork

Cut cucumbers, yellow peppers and cherry tomatoes and add it to the quinoa

For the dressing 1/4 cup oil 2 TBSP of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1-2 cloves of garlic minced.  Add pepper to taste.  Stir until combined then add it to the quinoa and mix.  Salad can then be refrigerated and served cold.