Fitmama Strong Durham

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I wasn't always a chef....

In fact, it wasn't until well into my 4th year of motherhood that I could even contemplate progressing beyond boiling water for pasta. Some of you may scoff at my inability to master the art of cooking, because you posses an inner talent that is far beyond my skill even today. You may look at me and say that if I posses the following basic culinary skills : a)boil water, b) cook food in a frying pan and c) read a recipe that I was already halfway there. But self-doubt is a beast and although I possessed these basic culinary skills, I was fearful to venture too deep into this unknown territory.

However, last Christmas, I took on a challenge. To cook the family turkey. Many of you have heard about my stellar Maple Glazed Turkey that I had come accross this recipe via Sobeys Inspiration Magazine and took a stab at it. There was plenty of back up food (prepared by others) to satisfy the hungry family members who had gathered in case I failed at my first attempt.

However, surprising everyone, I ventured from the kitchen triumphant and we all enjoyed a delicious meal together. Since that meal dinners have never been the same in our house. I prepare a weekly menu and find recipes all over the internet in an attempt to impress my family over and over again. Most go over well, while a few may never be made again.

Tonight's dinner is Sticky Slow BBQ Ribs with Homemade Rib Sauce and a side salad.

I thought I would share the recipe for the salad for you to take to your next BBQ party!

Green and Yellow Bean Salad

12 oz green beans
12 oz yellow beans
2tbsp chopped fresh oregano
2tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
2tbsp wine vinegar
2tsp grainy mustard (dijon is what I used)
1 clove garlic minced
1/2tsp salt & pepper
half a red onion, thinly sliced

Fill a large bowl with ice water and set aside. In a large pot of boiling salted water, blanch green beans until tender-crisp, 3-4 min. Remove beans with slotted spoon and transfer to ice water, stirring until cold. Remove beans to a towel lined plate to drain. Repeat with yellow beans.

In another large bowl whish together oregano, oil, vinegar, mustard, garlic, salt & pepper. Add onion and green and yellow beans; toss to combine.

This yummy summer salad courtesy of Canadian Living Magazine August 2003