Happy Canada Day!

My family and I have just returned from our getaway up north. We are very lucky to have close friends who own a cottage and enjoy our company enough to invite the entire family on a regular basis. This weekend we traveled to Minden to celebrate the birthday of their 4 year old daughter and Canada Day! Over the course of the weekend there were 10 kids under the age of 5 and 16 adults. Luckily, the grown-ups outnumbered the kids in an attempt to prevent anarchy.

Travelling with your family for long-weekends, cottages or holidays abroad are not always a stress-free or easy time, but they do make for great memories.

You can bet that you will pack more than you need, that naps will be missed, bed times will be delayed and meals will creep into one another, all in the name of fun. This was definitely true for those of us who participated in this weekends festivities.

Perhaps you are contemplating some invitations this summer and wonder if you and your wee ones can handle the change in routine. I assure you that they can and they will. There may be tears and some changes in sleep routines, but if you are lucky enough to have great friends along for the ride, it will all be worth it in the end.

Happy Travels!