Happy New Year!

Goodbye 2010. Hello 2011.

A few years ago I gave up making resolutions, because like most people, I was unable to follow through.

However, for the past few days I have been spending some time thinking about the upcoming year and the commitments I want to make for myself and my family. So, here are my resolutions for 2011

1) Manage my budget and stop using Credit Cards. I am moving into a cash diet only! Perhaps it is all of the hours I spent breastfeeding watching 'Til Debt Do Us Part'. But I really think this is a great exercise to help us better manage our cash flow. However, I am sure this will be the hardest thing I do considering I never carry cash and use my debit card or Credit Cards to pay for everything.

2)Plan more fun family activities. Now that Jakob is that little bit older I want to make sure we spend our time as a family doing fun things and making memories. I don't ever want to look back at my life and say I wish I had spent more time playing with the kids. They grow up too fast and I want to be a part of the fun!

3)Commit to a date night with my husband. Whether we watch a movie, go out to dinner or just enjoy a bottle of wine at home it is important for us to make the time and spend quality time together. Luckily, we still enjoy each others company and we want to keep it that way!

Will you be making resolutions this year? If you are, I would love to hear about them!

Happy New Year!