FITMOM Durham's Motivated Monday

Hi Mommy Mavens!
I hope you are ready for another great week ahead. 
How did you do with last weeks challenge?  Did you succeed?  Did you try your best?  That's all the matters in the end! 
I did manage to drink my water everyday (except today, Sunday) and I have to admit, I am feeling better in the mornings.  So I will continue to drink my water every day this week too and work towards building a new habit :)
This week I challenge you to get moving with a FITMOM+Baby dance party!
Dance Parties are a common household activity here at FITMOM Durham.  The boys and I like to crank up our favourite tunes and dance like nobody's watching.  I guarantee this will lift your spirits, get your heart pumping and make you sweat!  Your baby is a great dancing partner who will love watching you move and shake your tail feathers!  Commit to dancing for 20-30 minutes 3 times this week. 
All the best!