Before I was a mom.......

A Poem About Motherhood……

Before I was a mom I had all the time in the world; now that I am a mom I can't seem to find the time!

Before I was a mom I never understood the sacrifices my parents made for me; now that I am a mom, I appreciate them even more!

Before I was a mom I used to enjoy sleeping until noon; now that I am a mom sleeping in is considered 7 am!

Before I was a mom I said that I would have 1 room in my house that would be toy free. Now that I am a mom I realize that in order to have that I would have to clean up 24 hrs a day, so I gave up! There are toys in my bed, bathroom, car, floor and sometimes they are where they belong: in the toy bin.

Before I was a mom I could access all parts of my house with ease; now that I am a mom, I find myself climbing over baby gates, toys & other obstacles set up to foil me in the dark.

Before I was a mom I could eat a meal all to myself, while sitting down; now that I am a mom I am forever eating "on the run" and "sharing" my food with my kids.

Before I was a mom I used to enjoy 'alone time', now I rarely have time alone, and when I do, I spend that time missing them.

Before I was a mom my work was done at 5pm; now that I am a mom my work is never done.

Before I was a mom I used to be spontaneous; now that I am a mom my spontaneity depends on the availability of others and requires planning 2-3 weeks ahead. So much for spontaneity!

Before I was a mom I could say what I wanted; now that I am a mom I have to mean what I say. Follow through is everything.

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