Why slower is better when it comes to losing weight after the baby

After the birth of a baby many women are in a rush to lose their pregnancy weight anxious to revisit those items in their wardrobe that have been out of circulation for over 9 months.

The initial weight loss most women experience after birth is approximately 10lbs.  This loss is reflective of the baby, placenta, and amniotic fluid.  Weight loss continues over the next week as you shed retained fluids.  However, fat that was stored in your body during pregnancy will not disappear on its own. A healthy combination of diet, exercise and time are the key ingredients for healthy weight loss.  An ideal weight loss after childbirth is 1lbs/week (0.5kgs) to 2lbs/week.  You may lose more than that at the start, but losing more than 3lbs/week can have some negative side effects.

Here are 3 great reasons why you should remember that when it comes to weight loss, slower is better!

  • Rapid weight loss can lead to loss of muscle instead.  The loss of muscle tone can make you look softer and less defined.  It can also impact your metabolism because muscle mass keeps your metabolism in check, a quick drop in lean muscle mass can result in a slower metabolism.
  • Rapid weight loss can also drain your energy levels.  As a new mom who is likely more sleep deprived than others, this can be a double edge sword.  Making sure you are eating enough throughout the day and getting enough sleep will serve you better in the long run.
  • Lose it too quickly and you will likely see the weight gain again, and then some.

Remember that it takes time to lose weight and get in shape.  Anyone, or anything, that is promising you a quick fix and fast results are likely setting you up for failure.  Your best bet in achieving a healthy, fit body is the steadfast combination of diet and exercise.  A balanced fitness program including cardio, strength and stretch training are the key ingredients to get you to your goals.