Meet our new co-op student!

We are really excited to welcome Vini to our FITMOM Community. She is going to be joining us for a virtual placement for the next 8 weeks. She is coming to our program with a great background. She completed her Degree in Physiotherapy in India and has a personal passion for health and wellness. You can learn more about here below!

Q:  What program are you attending?  

Currently I am attending Fitness and Health Promotion Program at Durham College. I have background of physiotherapy and my interests are to mainly focus on overall wellness including psychology and mental wellness, nutrition and fitness.


Q: Are you a morning person, or a night owl?

Tricky question! When I was studying in college I used to be a night owl but now I am trying to be a morning bird. I feel like mornings are more productive and time to focus on self. So in my morning routine I focus and work on myself.


Q: Coffee or Tea?  How do you like it? 

Coffee and Indian tea! I like my coffee black with some almond milk and honey. In summers I put lemon in my coffee, sort of cool breeze coffee drink. And my Indian tea, I like it strong, spicy and less sugar which I only drink once in a while.


Q:  When I am not studying or working you can find me…….

Roaming around in nature, doing workouts, yoga and specially doing Pranayama (breathing exercises), making some clean beauty tricks, cooking or experimenting in the kitchen and reading.


Q: Best vacation you have been on/ or dream vacation you would like to go on?

Paris and Maldives, want to go with someone special, haha!


Q: Favourite show to binge watch?

I usually watch documentaries and informative shows, but I love to watch comedies to chill out. Currently I am watching Modern Family!


Over the next few weeks you will get the chance to get to know Vini better. Welcome to the FITMOM Community, Vini. We are excited to have you!