Fitmama Strong Durham

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FITMOM Durhams' Best Practices for Clean Eating

Eating Clean describes eating in a way that optimizes nutritional intake, minimizes overall fat intake and maximizes results. Approach this gradually and focus on health and feelings of well-being, rather than external results. 

Diet is an essential part of healthy living.  However, eating well is not always easy.  Take baby steps and recognize how small changes are making big impact!

Best Practices:
Breakfast should include 1 serving complex carbohydrate, 1 simple carbohydrate, 1 protein, 1 dairy (optional)
A.M. Snack should include 1 serving complex carbohydrate, 1 simple carbohydrate, 1 protein
Lunch should include 1 serving of complex carbohydrate, 2 simple carbohydrates, 1 protein
P.M. Snack should include 1 serving of complex carbohydrate, 1 simple carbohydrate, 1 protein
Dinner should include 1 serving of complex carbohydrate, 2 simple carbohydrates, 1 protein
Not so late snack-only if needed-try to stay away from carbohydrates before bed
Ingest 'Best' Foods:
Complex Carbohydrates: Grains, high fiber and enriched products like couscous, oatmeal, cream of wheat, rice, sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, peas, pumpernickel bread/bagel. Eat pasta sparingly, as they are cause for water retention (when you do eat pasta eat it early in the day), be mindful about bread products too!
Simple Carbohydrates: Vegetables/fruits – broccoli, spinach, beans, cauliflower, carrots, lima beans.  Fruits – apples, oranges, bananas (1/2 = 1 serving), peaches, pineapple, melon, strawberries etc.
Protein: Meats, chicken, turkey, fish (tuna, salmon (heart smart), and other selections( not fried or breaded). Nuts (sparingly as they are high in fat but generally do contain essential fatty acids) and legumes.
Dairy: Contains calcium but choose non-fat dairy as it is high in fat and cholesterol. Also supplement    your diet with calcium supplement. Yogurt, milk, cottage cheese. Low fat cheeses.
Essential Fatty Acids: The essential fats of which the proper quantities are not found in our diets. Fish oils, OMEGA 3,6,9  caplets etc. Good fat helps us break down bad fats.
If you are trying to make better habits and choices as it relates to meal planning, I often recommend making smaller commitments.  For example, attempt to eat 1 'clean' meal a day.  As you move forward with your success you can begin to increase the number of meals that are reflective of eating clean. Over time, this activity will require less effort by you.