Post Partum Care & Recovery: The benefits of massage therapy

Postpartum massage is a great way to enhance your well being, relieve stress and manage any common discomforts associated with newborn & infant care.  This month, I have asked my personal RMT Jess Pyatt of Active Natural Health to contribute to my blog and explain the benefits of massage therapy for the new mom.Make an appointment today and enjoy the amazing benefits including: relaxation, stress reduction, pain relief and other health benefits. Unique postpartum benefits include hormone regulation, better sleep and improved breastfeeding.Consider the benefits: Massage relaxes muscles, increases circulation and lowers stress hormones, bringing relaxation and stress relief. All body systems appreciate treatment after nine months of change, culminating with the delivery of the greatest miracle in life.Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Anxiety and depression respond very well to a massage. About two-thirds of new moms experience temporary postpartum blues related to hormonal changes, new responsibilities and adjustment frustrations. Massage helps us to relax and have down time.Pain Relief: Body aches from pregnancy & delivery are normal. Adding breastfeeding and childcare can intensify arm, shoulder and back pain. Massage is an effective approach that relaxes muscles and relieves pain without medications. Numbness and tingling may occur which the therapist may help to relive. Chronic or severe pain may require multiple sessions.Hormone Regulation: Massage greatly improves postpartum hormone balance. After 9 months many hormones are out of sync. Estrogen and progesterone hormone levels are very high during pregnancy and decrease after delivery. Prolactin and oxytocin hormone levels rise to facilitate breastfeeding. Studies indicate that massage reduces the stress hormone cortisol and help with balancing others.Better Sleep: Many new moms feel exhausted after labor and delivery, add in the extra challenge of around-the-clock baby care and you have one tired mama. Massage will ease the tiredness, promote relaxation and assist with sleep.It is very common to fall asleep during a massage. Getting enough sleep is key to postpartum recovery. Everything improves when you feel rested! Arrange some help and get regular massages for better rest and sleep. One study correlated better sleep with losing the baby fat on the tummy!Improved Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding can be a challenge for some moms. Massage therapy relaxes the body, increases circulation and helps increase milk production. Studies show that massage increases prolactin levels, a lactation hormone. Relaxation in the chest muscles opens the shoulders and improves lactation.When to start a massage after birth: You may start receiving postpartum massages as soon as you feel comfortable. Your therapists will position you comfortably if your abdomen or breasts are sore. If you have maternal complications, first consult with your medical provider.  Your baby can also accompany you and can be safely positioned on the table so that she can nurse or snuggle while you enjoy a little self-care.To book an appointment contact Jess:Call: (905) 425-2888Email:  jpyatt.rmt@gmail.comWeb:  
