How to keep baby cool this summer


We have waited so long for summer to arrive and now that the warmer days are here you might be looking for some ways to keep your baby cool & comfortable in the summer heat.

Babies who are younger than 6 months should be kept out of direct sunlight, this is because their skin has less melanin  (the pigment that provides some protection from the sun).

Older babies should also be kept out of direct sunlight but a sunscreen can also provide some added protection.  I have heard some great recommendations about Badger Baby's Natural Organic Sunscreen.  I have never used it before, but it's on my radar! I have been using thinkbaby the past few years and like it.

Sun-safe clothing is also something to consider, I definitely invested in some of these when the boys were younger. Last summer I also bought myself a sun guard shirt for when I was in my SIL pool (sun safety isn’t just for babies!).

When my boys were little they both loved to splash "in the pool".   We actually don't have a pool, but a bucket and cool water did the trick and the boys played & splashed (with direct supervision, of course!) all summer long.

Here are some very cute photos of my "babies". Neither would fit in that bucket anymore, but that would be a fun photo to recreate, lol!

A cool bath before bed can help a baby settle into better sleep.

Keep blinds and curtains drawn to keep the room cool during the day.

Breastfed babies will want to nurse more frequently on hotter days.  Continue to breastfeed on demand to keep them well hydrated.

Older babies (6months+) may enjoy water in their sippy cups.

If you are baby wearing, choose your lightest fabric carrier and keep a small towel between you and your baby to prevent that sticky/sweaty/slimy feeling.  Babies might be most comfortable in just a diaper and onesie.  

Use an umbrella to provide you with some more shade.

Remember to put a wide brim hat on your little.  It will start the best game ever.  You put it on, she takes it off and throws it on the ground.  Repeat multiple times.  It's hours of fun and a great butt exercise for you (deep squats, lol!)

A visit to the splash pad is also a fun way to stay cool!

What are some tips/tricks you have used to keep baby comfortable in the summer heat?