Happy New Year! A 15 minimum focused circuit

Happy New Year!

I know that many of you are excited to get back to our Fitmom classes and your regular exercise routine.  Our classes resume the week of January 6th, 2014.  So in the meantime, here is a quick and dirty 15 min circuit guaranteed to make your butt burn and to fire up your core! How do I know? Because I did it myself the other day and felt it the next day :)

Remember to modify when necessary, the segments are timed, so do what you can.  Focus on proper technique and remember to warm up first!  And if you are brand spanking new to exercise, consult your family doctor before starting a new fitness routine.

For my warm up I ran up and down my stairs 5 times, followed by 10 squats and 10 alternating lunges and then back up the stairs for another 5 reps.  No stairs? No problem! Dance, run on the spot, toe tap, just move your body for 3-5 minutes before moving on.

A timer, your smart phone has one built in
5-10lbs weights if you want or your baby when appropriate!

The workout:
1 minute hip lifts (aka baby but blasters)
1 minutes alternating lunges with bicep curls
30 second mountain climbers
30 second side lateral hops
1 minute squat with row
1 minute modified side plank with leg lifts
Rest 30 seconds repeat 2 more times.
Follow with a warm down and stretch!

Good luck and enjoy!!!
