Commit To Be FIT 12 week Fitness Challenge

What is the Commit to Be FIT Challenge?

Register for classes or personal training
'Like' FITMOM Durham on Facebook
Write 'This year I am going to commit to be fit' on our wall
Commit to exercising 3 times per week for 12 weeks and record your workouts on your FITMOM training log
Once a week spend 20 min doing something to rejuvinate your spirit (meditation, reading, warm bath, connect with a friend etc) and record the activity on your training log

Join us at Beans & Babes Cafe for our Kick off Date TBC, Stay Tuned~

At the kick off meet wth me to record your starting weight and measurements and discuss what your personal goals are related to fitness

Then have your 'before' portrait photo taken by Alana McClure

Also joining us at the kick off:
Kim Corrigan from Your Green Baby. She will be speaking to us about the importance of nutrition for the new mom and sharing tips on how to be successful in making positive changes to our diet!

Prizes include:
A delux photoshoot and 11X7 portrait from Alana McClure
A $50 gift card from Baby Car Seat Installers
A Gift Certificate to The Spa on King
A 10 visit Play Card from Beans & Babes Cafe
12 weeks later reveal a healthier, revitalized, rejuvinated FITMOM: You!

The top prize will be awarded to the woman who has the highest combined weight loss+inches
All participants who have successfully completed the 36 workouts and the weekly rejuvination activity will be eligible for draw prizes

Tools for success:
Weekly health tips and exercises through our Facebook page
A FITMOM training log to record your efforts and help you see your results
A community of likeminded women working together toward the same goals
Motivation from your FITMOM coach, me!
So what are you waiting for! Sign up today, grab and friend and let's Commit To Be FIT xox

Register with a friend and save 20% off classes

Buy 2 classes/week for 12 weeks and get 2 FREE personal training sessions
