What special training does a FITMOM Instructor have?

FITMOM Durham instructors are certified as Personal Trainers or Fitness Instructors through recognized certifying bodies such as ACE Fitness (American Council on Exercise), CanFitPro or the YMCA and they are required to maintain their certification through continuing education each year. Instructors also have additional training and certifications in prenatal and postnatal fitness and CPR.

What should I bring to a FITWOMAN class?

You'll need to bring a bottle of water. Mats and weights are provided at each location. For outdoor classes, you'll want to bring a towel or mat for any exercises we do on the ground.

What should I wear to a FITWOMAN class?

You should wear comfortable workout clothes, a supportive bra and athletic shoes that will properly support your feet. Keep in mind that your feet may change shape or possibly change size during your pregnancy, so it's important to invest in a new pair of athletic shoes before beginning a fitness program after your baby's birth.

When is the earliest I can begin classes once my baby is born?

Each mom will have a different postpartum recovery period based on her own individual circumstances. If you’ve had an uneventful vaginal birth and your bleeding has ceased completely, you may be able to begin exercising as early as about 4 weeks postpartum. If you’ve had a more complicated delivery or your bleeding has not stopped, you may need a longer recovery period. Your approval to begin an exercise program after the birth of your baby, should come from your caregiver.

Will exercising affect my milk supply?

Research shows that, although exercise increases your lactic acid, it's not a concern for your baby's health. If your baby doesn't feed well after you've finished a workout, it's often due to the salty taste of mom's sweaty breast and not the slightly altered taste of your breastmilk. If this is an issue, bring a washcloth with you to help remove the salty flavour. Also, remember that your level of lactic acid will drop within about 90 minutes of your workout, and as an alternative, you could feed your baby right before you exercise to give your body time to recover and return to a more normal level of lactic acid.