Stroller Strong

Outdoor Mom & Baby Fitness

Are you a parent with a new baby and wanting to feel fit again? Our outdoor Stroller Strong classes are designed to MOVE you! We complete circuits designed to accommodate all fitness levels, so that you can work at your own pace, while building strength & stamina. Each class is designed to meet the diverse needs of our members and support you in your postpartum recovery.  

At our Stroller classes, we’re not just pushing strollers, we’re using the landscape to keep things interesting for you. Hills, park benches, stairs, walls, body weight, resistance bands and other fun things, help build your strength and keep you motivated and excited for each class.

We keep our littlest members happy when we engage with them and keep them moving!  

This class is suitable for parents and babies who are at least six weeks old. Running is optional and only recommended for those who have met recommended postpartum recovery benchmarks and have a strong desire to move in this way. 

You can read our blog post to learn about our best practices on resuming higher impact exercises like running.

This class normally runs outdoors from mid-May until mid-October.

Do you have questions? We have answers!

Stroller Strong Classes

September 2024

We are in our 14th year of Stroller Strong! Our outdoor classes run from May - November.

  • Tuesdays @ 10:15 am - Willow Park(Whitby) - Beginning September 10 2024

  • Thursdays @ 10:15 am - Willow Park(Whitby) - Beginning September 12 2024


Our next 6 week series of Stroller Strong classes (Tues/Thurs) will begin Sept 10/12 and will go on sale in mid July.

Until then, you may want to try out our live, online classes held in our Virtual Studio. Not only do we work up a sweat, we do it while building our community, engaging with each other and our babies and modifying for the stage of fitness you’re currently at. While it’s not quite an in-person experience, it’s as close as we can make it! Try them out using our New to Fitmama 3 Class Pass.

If working out on your own time is better for you, check out our On-demand Library of Pre-recorded workout videos. We have many different types of classes, including babywearing friendly, mobility, HIIT, core and strength classes. They come in a variety of lengths from 10 - 40 minutes and use weights, stability balls and loopbands as equipment. Try them out!

Join our list if you want all of the registration info! Our outdoor stroller classes have sold out in the for the past four seasons through this list, before they even have a chance to be added to the website or social media and in a matter of hours.

Our 2024 Fall series of Stroller Strong Classes will go on sale in mid July via our mailing list below!

A few things to note:

  • Classes will run rain or shine, but will be cancelled in the event of thunder or lightning and will be rescheduled

  • Our class size will be capped to ensure the optimal experience

  • Our classes will run as a special series (with a special pass), you will need to commit to all of the classes in the series. If members need to miss a class, we cannot offer a make up class (but you will have access to our online live classes and content library, so there are still many workout options!)

  • We cannot offer trial classes or drop in passes for these series of classes.

  • Our Stroller Strong Series often sell out in hours. We release the registration to our wait list first.

Ready to join us ? Be sure you’re on our waitlist!

Fitmama Strong’s Guide