Fitmama Strong Durham

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Tips to help you through the cold and flu season

When you're a mom you don't have time to be sick, and if you do get knocked down with a cold or the flu, you are rarely able to wallow in it. Resting on the couch with your feet up, indulging in a little 'me time' is hard to come by on a regular day, let alone when you really need to take some time to rest and relax.

We all know that prevention is key and that frequent hand washing is the weapon of choice (along with a great hand cream to nourish dry hands that are forever being washed post diaper change and nose wipes) but here are a few other tips to help keep you and your family healthy this year:

  • Get plenty of rest. 7-8 hours of sleep is recommended but if you are a new mom or mom to be this is a pipe dream as your life is currently full of frequent night wakings. However, you can and should take a minimum of 15-30 minutes everyday to rest and unwind. The more rest you get, the less likely you are to get sick.
  • Drink Plenty of fluids to help 'flush out' any pesky virus and try to avoid alcohol and caffeine as they can lead to dehydration.
  • Eat a well balanced diet. Try to have lots of 'colour' on your plate to get all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals all fruits and vegetables have to offer.
  • De-stress. When you are experiencing stress you are more likely to fall ill, so do something nice for yourself. Take a long bath, read a book, write in a journal or listen to a relaxation tape. Whatever works for you. It's not important what you do, but that you take the time to do it.
  • Exercise! Not only is it a great stress reducer, but studies show that when people are physically fit they are less likely to get sick, experience fewer symptoms if they do get sick and recover more quickly.

Wishing you a happy, healthy day!