Fitmama Strong Durham

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Consistency is Key!

Tips for Staying on Track After Having a Baby

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

After making the decision to start a fitness program of any kind, the next challenge is to stay committed.  This is a challenge for every person who is looking to be more active in their daily life, and even harder after you have a baby!  I have experienced it first hand, twice, so I thought I would share some tips that helped me stay consistent and get the benefits that regular exercise gave me following the birth of each of my boys.

  1. Book it in your phone or write it on your Family Calendar.  The truth is, you need to make exercise a daily habit.  Just like brushing your teeth.  Treat it like a sacred appointment (like a spa day or date with your girl friends or partner).  You will be more successful if you write it down in your calendar then just mentally noting your plan in your head.

  2. Get ready the night before.  Lay out all of the clothes you will need to wear for your activity and pack for your baby too. That way all you need do to is eat & feed the baby before you grab your bags and go.

  3. Anticipate and plan for the unexpected- Life happens!  Whether you were planning an outdoor workout and you get inclement weather, your friend bails or your baby is sick, sometimes life can sideline your plans. The trick is to be able to adapt and react to the change.  I have a collection of DVD's on hand to pop in when life hands me lemons.  Also, we have the internet. I am a frequent user of all sorts of free exercise programs that are shared online!  One of my favourites is the Nike NTC Club app.  You can download it for free on iTunes :)

  4. Build fitness into your daily routine-Wear your baby during errands or cleaning the house, enjoy brisk stroller walks most days of the week.  Chase your older kids at the park and kick the ball around. Park further away or take the stairs more often. Research has show that short burst of moderate activity incorporated into your day can burn up to 1lb/week.

  5. Get your partner involved.  Whether your partner is simply your cheerleader, giving you lots of emotional support to help keep you on track, OR they are your workout buddy, their support is invaluable.  Spouses can stay home with your little ones so you can make it to an evening class or a solo walk/run or you can commit to nightly family walks.   In our family my husband and I support one another by making healthy meals and making sure that each of us has time for personal fitness. Whenever possible, Mark and I work out together, and it's not unusual to see our family out in Whitby, running, biking or playing together.  My hubby keeps me healthy! Without him I really would only eat peanut butter and bread.  His commitment to eating well keeps me on track and holds me accountable!  It is well documented that partner support increases the likelihood you will be successful in achieving any goals you have set for yourself!  Make sure you tell your partner what you need though, and be clear about the type of support you require, whether it's to take the kids while you hit the gym or walk with your friend or committing to eating healthier through the week.  In the end, you will both reap the benefits!

What other strategies have you employed to make sure you are using the workout clothes you purchased for their intended purpose?  Let me know!  I would love to hear from you!  

And if you’re ready to #jointhemotherhood, we have great classes on our schedule to choose from. It doesn’t matter if you had a baby a few weeks ago, a few months ago or 10 years ago, we’ve got you covered!