Fitmama Strong Durham

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Summer Fitness Challenge 2013- Nutrition Tip: How to Hydrate

For many, myself included, staying hydrated is a daily challenge!  Thankfully, Andrea Miller RD is here with some great ideas to help us all increase our H2O.

Getting enough to drink can be tough under usual circumstances- this can become even more difficult while breastfeeding. Factor in warm weather, and regular outdoor activity and it becomes more challenging and even more important.

Here are my tips to hydrate while breast feeding and staying active:

  • Aim for 3 liters (12 cups) of fluid each day
  • Divide the 3 liters in thirds- 1 liter in the morning, 1 liter in the afternoon, 1 liter in the evening
  • Drink every time you breastfeed- a glass of milk, juice, a tea or coffee (we’ll talk caffeine next time!), lemonade, iced-tea, soup, even fruit counts!
  • Carry water or other fluid with you when you go out
  • Keep a water bottle or two in the car, stroller, baby bag etc.
  • Drink 250-500ml (1-2 cups) fluid, preferably water, 1 to 2 hours before you exercise (increase this amount by 50% if you are exercising outdoors in warm weather).
  • Carry water with you during exercise;  sip during your workout
  • Choose milk (including chocolate milk) as your after exercise beverage; you will replace lost fluids, carbohydrates, and protein.
  • Remember high fluid foods help to meet your fluid requirements: soups, smoothies, yogurt, puddings, fruit, frozen yogurt and frozen juice bars!
  • Choose a sports drink when:
  • You are doing intense exercise over a longer (more than 60min.) period of time
  • The weather is hot and humid

Try not to rely on soft drinks, energy drinks or alcohol as a means of meeting your fluid needs.

Do not rely on your thirst to tell you when you need to drink; fluid needs can vary from person-to-person. Listen to your body, adjust your intake based on your activity level, the weather, how frequently you are breastfeeding and your personal sweat rate. 

Bottoms up!