Fitmama Strong Durham

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Staying on track this holiday season

The holidays are fast approaching!  Are you ready for it?  This weekend we put up our Christmas tree with the boys.  It was a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon. For us, the holiday season officially begins when the tree is up and we have watched my all time favourite Christmas movie: White Christmas.  We were able to do both this weekend.  So bring on the holidays!

Our family calendar is also quickly filling up with social commitments to celebrate and enjoy all that is great with family & friends.  This means lots of parties and lots of food!  I am sure it is the same for you and your family too.  However, if you are looking for ways to keep fit and on track with your personal health goals, then perhaps you will find the following suggestions helpful. 

  • Replace eating a handful of salted Mixed Nuts  for a handful of Wasabi peas
  • Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed
  • Replace a plate of cheese & crackers with Hummus and pita wedges
  • Enjoy your favourite holiday treat, and take the time to eat and savour it
  • Replace Shortbread cookies with Gingerbread cookies
  • Enjoy a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit to keep your plate balanced
  • Replace a 5 oz glass of red wine  with a Red-Wine Spritzer
  • If you overeat at one meal, try to make the next meal lighter
  • Continue to make time for exercise.  Studies have shown that when people continue to engage in physical fitness over the holidays, they are less likely to gain any unwanted weight.

Happy Holidays!